Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Quotes Slot

"Son of Adam! You are nothing but a number of days, whenever each day passes then part of you has gone." [Hassan al-Basri]

"Know that hearing and sight are two open doors, whatever enters through them reaches the heart. How many a thing does a man hear or see, which he should not have and which having entered the heart prove difficult to remove. For the heart is rapidly affected by what enters it and when it becomes so, the effect is difficult to erase." [Imam Abdullah bin Alawi Alhaddad]

"When your heart is hardened by other than Allah, then make dhikr until nothing remains other than Allah." [Shaykh Muhammad al-Hashimi]

"Renunciation of the world is followed by peace; its desire brings sorrow. Restrain your desires and discipline your self." [Rabiah al-Adawiyah]

"Bear in mind that those who carry others' secrets to you might bear yours to others. Do not give such tactless people any chance to learn even the smallest details of your private concerns." [Fethullah Gulen]

"That part of your life that has gone by is irreplaceable, and that which has arrived is priceless." [Ibn Athoillah] 

"Iblis fears nothing more than the light emanating from the believer's heart. Thus it is that those who are detached from worldly desires can never fall prey to his mischief." [Abu Sa'id Kharraz]

"Taking pains to remove the pains of others is the true essence of generosity." [Abu Bakr as-Siddiq r.a.]

"For those with spiritual insight, everything they lay eyes upon have within it a lofty message and a gentle reminder." [Ali bin Abi Thalib r.a.]

"The pain that comes from criticism is felt only by people whose whole life and care is for this world. For those who care for the Hereafter, criticism is a gift and a cause of salvation and peace." [Imam Birgivi]

"Darkness is not dispelled by fighting it, but rather by spreading the light, when light comes out, darkness recedes." [Mufti Rafi Osmani]

"Travel not from creature to creature, otherwise you will be like a donkey at the mill. Rather go from creatures to the Creator." [Ibn Athoillah]

"If you cannot be of benefit to the people, then do not harm them; if you cannot make them happy, then do not make them sorrowful; if you cannot praise them, then do not disparage them." [Yahya ibn Mu'adh]

"He who remembers Allah with all his heart will find that everything other than Allah will leave his heart." [Yahya bin Mu'adh]

"Wonder of wonders! How is it that the same people who leave food out of fear of sickness cannot leave sin out of fear of the Hereafter." [Yahya bin Mu'adh]

"The best of people are those who, after being generous to people, seek generosity only from Allah." [Abu Hafs al Haddad]

"O' Son of Adam! Allah has nourishingly created you for Him alone, yet you so desire to belong to others." [Sayyidina Uthman r.a.]

"Your need for repentance is greater than your need for food, water, and shelter, for sins are veiling you from beholding the Unseen and stand between you and the Beloved." [Shaykh Abdul Khaliq al-Shabrawi]

"When He loosens your tongue with a request, then know that He wants to give you something." [Ibn Athoillah]

"If there is a good deed which is difficult, hold on to it, for in the end, the good deed will remain and the difficulty will perish." [Ali bin Abi Thalib r.a.]

"Glad tidings to the one who abandons the Dunya before it abandons him, and built his grave before he enters it, and pleased his Lord before he met Him." [Abdullah ibn Abbas r.a.]

"The losses that you suffer because of your silence can be easily compensated for, but the losses that arise out of excessive loose talk are difficult to requite." [Ali bin Abi Thalib r.a.]

"Good character consists in three traits: avoiding that which is forbidden, seeking that which is permitted, and being generous to one's family." [Imam al-Ghazali]

"The most noble of mankind in this world are the generous, and the most noble in the afterlife are the God-fearing." [Ali bin Abi Thalib r.a.]

"One of the most basic requirements of repentance is that the person who sinned is obligated to avoid people, places, and circumstances associated with that sin." [Umm Salah]

"No deed arising from a renouncing heart is small, and no deed arising from an avaricious heart is fruitful." [Ibn Athoillah]

"The past and almost all that was in your possession during the past is not with you now; you may thus rationally come to the conclusion that the present and all that is in your possession will also leave you -- make the most of it." [Ali bin Abi Thalib r.a.]

"Be with people in such a way that if you should die, they should weep for you, and if you live, they should long for you." [Ali bin Abi Thalib r.a.]

"Our living in this world will inevitably bring us tests. Those tests are subtle and open, they occur in great and small things. Through these tests, God shows which of us truly believe, and which of us are empty claimants." [Imam Zaid Shakir]

"The eyes that shine with the light of Allah will give light to the eyes that look upon them." [Abu Abd ar-Rahman as-Sulaimi]

"The eyes that shine with the light of Allah will give light to the eyes that look upon them." [Abu Abd ar-Rahman as-Sulaimi]

"If you have no eyes, do not walk blindly; take a staff in your hand." [Jalal ad-Deen Rumi]

"The righteous deeds are performed by the righteous and the wicked. However, only the truthful ones avoid the sinful deeds." [Sahl ibn Abdullah al-Tustari]

"Deprivation hurts you only because of the lack of your understanding of good in it." [Ibn Athoillah]

"He knew the existence of weakness in you, so He made the number of ritual prayers small; and He knew of your need of His grace, so He multiplied their fruitful results." [Ibn Athoillah al-Iskandari] 

"I looked at my friends, and I did not find a better friend than safeguarding my tongue. I thought about all the outfits, but I did not find a better outfit than piety." [Umar al-Farouq r.a.]

"Generosity is the protector of good reputations, while knowledge is the silencer of fools. The most noble wealth is to give up objects of desire." [Ali bin Abi Thalib r.a.]

"To know with certainty that you will never receive less than what was destined for you is the essence of reliance upon Allah." [Abu al-Hasan Bushaikhi]

"The tongue is a wild beast; when it is let loose, it wounds." [Ali bin Abi Thalib r.a.]

"What you love to have with you in the Hereafter you should advance today, and what you hate to have with you, you should abandon today." [Salman ibn Dinar]

"Remembrance (dhikr) is the sign of the thankful believer. In this world the invokers face and heart are covered with beauty and happiness; and in the Hereafter his face is whiter and more luminous than the moon." [Ibn Athoillah]

"The excellence of knowledge lies in its practice; and the excellence of kindness to others lies in mentioning it not." [Ali bin Abi Thalib r.a.]

"Reflection is the lamp of the heart, if it departs the heart will have no light." [Imam al Haddad]

"It is incumbent on a man to dive deep into the sea of love; if the wave of love lands him on the shore of favor, he has attained the highest achievement." [Imam al-Ghazali]

"Time for love is very short in this world, where do people find time to fill it with so much hate." [Shaykh Zulfiqar Ahmad]

"Hidden creatures good and bad always touch the heart. The touch of the angel is inspiration; Satanic touches temptations untold. Tarry with patience until your confusion is resolved and you know whom you rejected and who became the leader of your heart." [Mawlana Jalaluddin Rumi]

"Come to realize your own qualities and He will lead you to know His. Come to realize your weakness and He will lead you to His strength." [Ibn Athoillah al-Iskandari]

"If you do enough dhikr you will not get stressed. If you are getting stressed you are not doing enough dhikr." [Shaykh Hamza Yusuf]

"The greatest achievement of your character is that the enmity of your brother against you dare not overcome the consideration and friendship you feel toward him, and his ill-treatment of you cannot over balance your kind treatment to him." [Ali bin Abi Thalib]

"Get zeal in respect of the spirit, for your destination is the grave, and the people of the graves expect you at any moment to meet up with them. Beware, beware lest you meet up with them without provision!" [Imam al-Ghazali]

"He who keeps watch at night will rejoice in his heart during the day." [Imam al-Zarnuji]

"Allah's generosity is connected to gratitude, and gratitude is linked to increase in His generosity. Allah's generosity will not stop increasing unless the gratitude of the servant ceases." [Ali bin Abi Thalib r.a.]

"He only made affliction come at the hands of people so that you not repose them. He wants to drive you out of everything so that nothing would divert you from Him." [Ibn Athoillah al-Iskandari] 

"Whoever when you please him says about you what is not in you, when you anger him will say about you what is not in you." [Imam al Shafi'i]

"Do not let your difficulties fill you with anxiety, after all, it is only in the darkest nights that the stars shine most brilliantly." [Ali bin Abi Thalib r.a.]

"If in spite of intense supplication, there is delay in the timing of the Gift, let that not be the cause for your despairing. For He has guaranteed you a response in what He chooses for you, not in what you choose for yourself, and at the time He desires not the time you desire." [Ibn Athoillah al-Iskandari]

"Be so tolerant that your chest becomes wide like the ocean." [Fethullan Gulen]

"Fight against the ego with the four swords of training: eat little, sleep little, speak little, and be patient when people harm you. Then the ego will walk the paths of obedience, like a fleeting horseman in the field of battle." [Yahya ibn Mu'adh ar-Razi]

"There is nothing more beneficial to a Muslim's heart than to mix with the righteous and to watch their actions, while nothing is more harmful to the heart than mixing with the sinners and watching their actions." [Ahmad bin Harb]

"The likeness of this world is that of a river, one of its shores being the Hereafter, and the boat for crossing over is built from taqwa." [Abu Yaqub ibn Ishaq]

"Words are under your control until you have spoken them, but you come under their control once you have spoken them." [Ali bin Abi Thalib r.a.]

"One who remembers death a lot will be easily contented with the simple things in life." [Ali bin Abi Thalib r.a.]

"The sign that Allah has turned away from a servant is that He makes him busy with matters that are of no concern to him -- when a person reaches such a point, he must repent and ask Allah to guide him to those matters that are important and beneficial." [Hasan al-Basri]

"The sincere lover of Allah Most High passes his entire life preparing for death; for him, death is nothing more than a bridge leading to his Beloved." [Shaykh Zulfiqar]

"The contented one is freed from dependence upon the creation. He who leaves his desires attains his freedom." [Hasan al Basri]

"Everything you do in this world with the intention of acquiring worldly gain is reproachable, every deed discharged with the purpose of gaining in the Hereafter does not belong to this world." [Abu Sufyan al Re'einy]

"The world is like a mountain. Whatever you say, good or evil, will come back to you. If you imagine that you spoke beautifully, but the mountain returned an ugly echo, that is absurd." [Jalaluddin Rumi]

"Do not delude yourself into thinking that your children will attend to you without your having looked after your own parents." [Shaykh Zulfiqar Ahmad]

"The most difficult things to accomplish are generosity in times of hardship, abstaining in seclusion, and speaking the truth to one you fear and have hopes of." [Ma'ruf al Kharkhi]

"The sign that Allah is pleased with His servant is that His servant is pleased with His decree." [Ali bin Abi Thalib r.a.]

"A sign that Allah despises you is when you find yourself wasting your time with trivial matters; And a sign that Allah likes you is when you find yourself fulfilling more duties than you have time for." [Ibn al Qayyim]

"The striving of the common people consists of acts, and the goal of the elect in striving is to purify their spiritual states. Enduring hunger and sleeplessness is very easy, but cultivating moral characteristics and cleansing them of lowly aspects is extremely difficult." [Al-Qushayri]

"The believer speaks little but does much. And the hypocrite talks a lot but does little. The believer's speech is wisdom, his silence is contemplation, his gaze is reflection, his actions are righteous. So if this is your state, you shall perpetually be in worship." [Fudayl bin Iyadh]

"A sign of the heart's death is the absence of sadness over the acts of obedience that you have neglected and the abandonment of regret over the mistakes that you have made." [Ibn Athoillah]

"Among mankind the best protector of his heart is the one who is most in possession of his tongue." [Dhun nun al-Misri]

"Never break a Muslim's heart by refusing what he offers you, when you know that anything that comes to you through him is in reality from God, and he is only His powerless and compelled means." [Imam al Haddad]

"So long as you are in this world, be not surprised at the existence of sorrows. For, truly, it manifests nothing but what is keeping with its character or its inevitable nature." [Ibn Athoillah]

"Bury your existence in the earth of obscurity, for whatever sprouts forth, without having first been buried, flowers imperfectly." [Ibn Athoillah]

"Laughter always follows tears. Blessed are those who understand. Life blossoms wherever water flows. Where tears are shed divine mercy is shown." [Rumi]

"The key to dignity in this life is obedience to Allah and the key to getting ready for the Hereafter is having short hopes." [Imam al-Mannawi]

"Those who value their parents and regard them as a means to obtain God's mercy are the most prosperous in both worlds. Those who regard parents' existence as a burden or who become weary of them inevitably suffer the most severe hardships in life." [Fethullah Gulen]

"Relying upon the promise of "tomorrow," many people have wandered around that door, but that tomorrow never comes." [Rumi]

"There is no salvation like the heart's salvation, given that all the limbs respond to its desires. Therefore, knowledge of the heart's ailments, what causes each of them and what removes them, is an obligation on everyone." [Imam al-Maulud]

"People praise you for what they suppose is in you, but you must blame your soul for what you know is in you." [Ibn Athoillah]
"This world is transitory and our life therein but a moment borrowed, our breaths numbered, yet our indifference reckless." [Abu Bakr as-Siddiq]  


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