!!UPDATE 2016!! 1st IR MEETING - Fresh Ideas, New Strategies
EARLIER this year, Ibadur Rahman (IR) has conducted the first 2016 meeting which is held in Masjid Hassanal Bolkiah, Pekan Tutong.
The meeting is attended by senior and current committee members of IR, consisting of aspiring youths who represents the whole nation's torchbearers of the future.
Begins with Surah al-Fatihah by the chairperson, Muhammad Azlin bin Azlani (as the Head of IR), the meeting then proceeds with the new IR room, the lineup of the organisation's annual and monthly activities, brainstorming of thoughts and ideas, improving and creating new strategies, as well as tackling problems and issues within the organisation.
"We hope that our new IR room in Masjid Hassanal Bolkiah can increase productivity among our committees and make us more institutionalised by rendering better services to youths," mentions Muhammad Azlin.
Activies proposed include the informative yet intriguing Workshop Series, such as Video Making and Creative Writing workshops, which will be organised every week throughout February.
According to the chairperson, progressive steps and reforms in IR strategies need to be done in order to improve current IR situations, including better and innovative ways of activities, publicity or media, public relations, administration and management as well as fresh ideas and recommendations from the dedicated and willing youth members.
Rather, it is hence greatly a milestone for IR since it is established for almost 3 years ago as a youth body of the masjid in Tutong District.
"We need to think and do what are the best ways to attract youths to be more inclined in nurturing their interests in innovation, teambuilding and leadership," asserts Muhammad Azlin.
"It's time to have more 'activity-based' activities, i.e. more fun and more focus to physical, and less focus to talking, i.e. organising seminars ", according to one youth sister who attends the meeting.
Significant amount of agendas have been addressed during the ongoing meeting. Fortunately, the meeting is better organised and listed with up-to-down prorities such that the agendas have almost been sorted out in a positive manner without any distress.
The meeting properly ends with tasbih kifarah and Surah al-Asr.
(This year's first meeting has been conducted on 7 Rabiulakhir 1437 hijrah, corresponding to 17 January 2016.)
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