Saturday, August 16, 2014

Ramadhan at Masjid Hassanal Bolkiah Pekan Tutong

Ramadhan at Masjid Hassanal Bolkiah Pekan Tutong
18-20 July 2014

Salaam and Eid Mubarak!

It sure been quite a while since the last update.. For that, we fervently apologise.. 

Anyway, here comes the updates!

Alhamdulillah, on the 18-20th July 2014, Ibadur Rahman managed to successfully run a program in conjunction with the school term holiday which fell on the last ten days of Ramadhan. We named the program Ramadhan at Masjid Hassanal Bolkiah Pekan Tutong :D Some of the activities can be seen from the video above thanks to our Media Team especially to bro Azlin.

So we hereby once again wants to thank all the lovely participants who joined the program and made it as colorful and lively as it was! We dearly hope to see everyone again in the next activities too. Not to forget to all the hardworking AJKs who selflessly contributed their thoughts, free time and thousands of joules of energy in making sure the program runs smoothly. We'd also like to say many thanks to our ever supportive Takmirs at the masjid especially to our Imam Sahibol Omar who recently became a father to a babyboy Muhammad Zayd (note the baby emoticons lol). And lastly to all those who donated for our Community Service activity, we thank all of you and may Allah accepts from us.

We also want to thank all the participants who came to our Raya Convoys on the 3rd of August 2014 and to our reunion 'Eid at Masjid Hassanal Bolkiah Pekan Tutong' on 8 August 2014. It was fun and pleasant to see you guys again :D We did hoped more would turn up though...

lol nevermind the emoticon :p

So that's that! We bid adieu.


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